How to link WebStorm IDE with GitHub windows application

The main advantage of link WebStrom with GitHub windows application is you can do the version controlling directly through the WebStorm IDE. When you are doing a project  using WebStorm IDE you can use git command which are use to version controlling in the IDE it self, if you have linked with GitHub windows application.

Now will see how to link WebStorm IDE with GitHub windows application..

step 1) Install WebStorm IDE.

step 2) install GitHub windows application and clone with the project which is in the GitHub or GitLab repository.

step 3) Open that project using WebStorm.

IF you have done those three step already follow these steps to link WebStorm and GitHub windows application.

step 4) Go to this file path and copy it.

          C drive -> Users -> <your user file> -> Appdata -> Local -> 
          GitHub -> PortableGit_f02737a78695063deace08e96d5042710d3e32db ->cmd

                   C:\Users\Damith Perera\AppData\Local\GitHub\

step 5) Go to the location mentioned bellow in WebStorm IDE and pase it in place named "path to git executable" 

              Files -> Settings -> Version Control -> Git

             paste the file path that you have copied in the text box and type this at last "\git.exe" (this is path to            the git executable file).

Step 4) Then press "Test" button to check weather the link is successful or not. If there are no issue you will be see the message "Git executed Successfully".

       Now the link between WebStorm IDE and GitHub windows application is created successfully. 

step 6) Now you can do the version control using VCS section in WebStorm IDE.


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